Eye glasses looking at eye chart on wall. Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

St. John Eye Hospital

St. John Ambulance brings attention and national awareness to the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group is the only charitable provider of expert eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, treating patients regardless of ethnicity, religion or ability to pay.

The Hospital’s goal, in line with the World Health organization Vision 2020 program, is to eliminate preventable blindness in the region. The work of the Hospital is carried on at the main hospital in East Jerusalem, a second hospital in Hebron, two clinics in Gaza and Anabta, along with two mobile outreach clinics that service remote villages and refugee camps in the West Bank.

In 2013, the hospital group treated 114,153 patients (37,157 under the age of 18) in outpatient departments, regardless of race, religion or ability to pay.

To assist St. John Ambulance in its support of the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital, St. John Ambulance Canada accepts donations.

Did You Know
  • The rate of blindness in the Palestinian territories is ten times higher than in the West.
  • The incidence of diabetes amongst the Palestinian community is three times higher than in the West. (approximately 12-15% of the population).
  • Diabetic retinopathy affects up to 80% of all people who have had diabetes for ten years or more.
  • 80% of all blindness is preventable.
  • The St John Eye Hospital was established for charitable works in Jerusalem in 1882
  • The only leading centre for expert eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem
  • In 2013 treated 114,154 patients (37,157 under the age of 18) in our outpatient departments, regardless of race, religion or ability to pay
  • Performed 4,294 major operations
  • 98% of patients are Palestinian
Committed to saving lives and improving quality of life.
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